What Does Pood Mean in Crossfit: A Quick Guide on Kettlebell Units

As you venture into the world of CrossFit, you might have come across the silly-sounding term “pood” and wondered what it means. This article will delve into the origins and meaning behind this unusual term and help you understand how it relates to your CrossFit routine.

A pood is a unit of weight measurement specific to kettlebells. Originally a Russian unit of measurement, one pood is equivalent to approximately 16.38 kilograms or 36.11 pounds. In CrossFit workouts, the term “2 pood” is often used, which refers to a 70-pound kettlebell. This was considered the RX weight for kettlebell swings when CrossFit first started.

As you continue your CrossFit journey, you must become familiar with units like the pood and know how to convert them to kilograms or pounds. Understanding these measurements will help you better track your progress and reach your fitness goals.

Origins Of Pood

The term “Pood” has its roots in Russia and is an essential aspect of the CrossFit world, specifically in kettlebell workouts. Let’s explore the origins and significance of this term in your fitness journey.

In the Russian language, Pood (пуд) is a unit of mass that is equivalent to 40 funt (фунт, Russian pound). Essentially, a pood equals 16.3807 kilograms or 36.121 pounds. The word “pood” itself is derived from the Old Norse word “pund,” which means “pound.” The earliest known use of this term can be traced back to 1554.

Over time, pood became an integral part of kettlebell training. Kettlebells originated in Russia and have become a popular strength training and full-body workout tool worldwide. In CrossFit, pood is often used to prescribe recommended kettlebell weights for various exercises, such as kettlebell swings.

Consequently, when you come across a workout program that specifies a kettlebell weight in pood, know that 1 pood is roughly equivalent to 35 pounds or 16 kilograms. For instance, if a CrossFit workout indicates a 2 pood weight for an exercise, you’d perform the movement with a 70-pound kettlebell.

In summary, pood is a historic Russian unit of mass that has found a new role in modern fitness, particularly in the CrossFit community.

Next up, understand how pood factors into your CrossFit workouts.

Pood In CrossfFit

Pood Kettlebell Weights

In Crossfit, a pood is a unit of weight measurement used for kettlebells. It originated in Russia and is equal to approximately 16.38 kg or 36.11 pounds. Kettlebells come in various pood sizes to suit different fitness levels and goals. Some common pood kettlebell weights include:


When starting kettlebell training, it’s generally recommended for women to begin with a 0.5 pood (8 kg) or 0.75 pood (12 kg) kettlebell, while men typically start with a 1 pood (16 kg) or 1.5 pood (24 kg) kettlebell. However, these are simply suggestions; your best size kettlebell will depend on your abilities.

Common Pood Weight Exercises

Kettlebell exercises using pood weight measurements offer various benefits for your CrossFit training. Some common pood-weighted exercises include:

  1. Kettlebell swings: This dynamic movement engages your hips, glutes, and core. WHEN CROSSFIT FIRST STARTED, the RX weight for kettlebell swings was 2 pood (70 pounds), but you can choose a weight that suits your capabilities.
  2. Kettlebell snatches: A full-body exercise focusing on power and coordination, the kettlebell snatch involves moving the kettlebell from a lower position to an overhead position in one fluid motion. Choose a good weight that challenges you without compromising your form.
  3. Goblet squats: Holding a kettlebell of a suitable pood weight under your chin, perform squats to strengthen your legs and glutes while working your upper body and core.

Remember to focus on proper technique and form while performing these exercises to get the most benefit from your kettlebell training and avoid injury.

Benefits Of Pood Training

When you engage in pood training, which originates from traditional Russian kettlebell training, you can expect to experience multiple benefits. As pood is a unit of measurement approximately equivalent to 16 kilograms or 35 pounds, it provides a consistent weight for kettlebell workouts.

Pood training can help you enhance your overall strength and power, as kettlebell exercises target multiple muscle groups. Focusing on one side of your body at a time allows you to develop neglected muscle groups and improve your balance and stability.

Kettlebell workouts involving pood measurements offer functional exercises that can be applied to everyday activities. You’ll find that your movements become more efficient over time as you work to build your endurance and flexibility.

Here are some specific benefits of pood training:

  • Increased cardiovascular fitness: Kettlebell workouts typically involve high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which can result in improved cardiovascular health.
  • Core strength development: Many kettlebell exercises engage your core muscles, improving posture and reducing the risk of back injuries.
  • Fat loss: Due to the intensity of kettlebell workouts, you may experience higher calorie expenditure and ultimately lose weight.
  • Improved coordination: Kettlebell exercises often involve complex movements that challenge your coordination and focus.

Ensuring proper technique and form when working with kettlebells is essential, as improper exercise can cause injuries. Consider seeking guidance from a certified kettlebell trainer to ensure you perform the exercises correctly and safely.

How To Choose The Right Pood Weight

Choosing the right pood weight for your CrossFit workouts is essential to your progress and safety. Using the right weight can help you develop the proper technique, build strength, and avoid injury. Here are some guidelines to follow when selecting your pood weight.

  1. Assess your fitness level: As a beginner, you may want to start with a lighter kettlebell. The most common starting weight is 6- to 8 kilograms (approx. 13-18 pounds). However, if you have prior experience with strength training or CrossFit, you may be able to handle a heavier weight.
  2. Consider your workout goals: Your goals will dictate the type of exercises you perform and the weights you’ll need. For example, you may require heavier kettlebells if you aim to improve your overall strength and power. Alternatively, lighter weights might be more suitable if your primary focus is on endurance and mobility.
  3. Evaluate the movement: Lower-body exercises, such as squats and lunges, often require heavier kettlebells because the muscles are naturally stronger. For these movements, you can begin with a 12- to 16-kilogram kettlebell (approx. 26-35 pounds). You may need to use lighter weights for upper-body exercises like shoulder presses and rows.

Remember, it’s essential to listen to your body, start with a manageable weight, and gradually progress as you become stronger and more confident in your abilities. Don’t hesitate to ask a CrossFit coach or experienced professional for guidance if you’re unsure about selecting the right pood weight for your workouts.


In your journey through CrossFit, you may have encountered the term “pood” and wondered what it means. The term “pood” originated in Russia and is a unit of weight measurement for kettlebells. To give you a better understanding, one pood is equivalent to approximately 36.11 pounds or 16.38 kilograms.

Regarding common kettlebell weights, you will often see workouts that call for 1 pood, 1.5 pood, or 2 pood. Remember, these correspond to the following:

  • 1 pood: 16 kg or 36 pounds
  • 1.5 pood: 24 kg or 53 pounds
  • 2 pood: 32 kg or 70 pounds

Keep in mind that these weights are approximate, as kettlebell manufacturers may produce slightly different weights for their products. However, these are the standard weight classifications you should be aware of in CrossFit when it comes to kettlebells.

As you continue your fitness journey, incorporating kettlebell exercises into your workouts can prove to be an effective way to build strength, endurance, and flexibility. Understanding the concept of pood and how it relates to kettlebell weights can help you modify and tailor your workouts to meet your individual fitness goals.

By being aware of pood measurements, you can continue to challenge yourself with kettlebell exercises, track your progress, and ultimately enhance your CrossFit training. Remember always to prioritize proper form and technique to prevent injury and promote growth in your performance.

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